Poultry, demystified

Hello My Name is….

Stacy Tate. I am a licensed paramedic and chicken breeder of 2 decades now. I write and teach and design stuff. I intend to use this blog to do a lot of that in one place – write, teach, design.

Flock University is something my wife and I started a year or more ago with the goal of empowering people with chickens and poultry. So much misinformation is out there and after seeing people’s posts on social media about how hard it was to learn what to do and they would just give up by either not getting birds or selling what they had. I felt the need to change that, because chickens are actually very easy to keep. The internet is filled with misinformation about them and people who make their lives far more complicated than it needs to be with them.

If you are the type of person who wants to get back to basics and make their lives more simple and more free, supply their own food for your family and community, and be less dependent on the system – you have come to the right place.

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